Offshore Aquaculture near Ashkelon​


Our team is working at design of a masterplan for offshore aquaculture near Ashkelon.

The Offshore Aquaculture near Ashkelon plan is proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture with the aim of advancing the practice of aquaculture, or fish farming, in cages in the open sea. This is part of the trend of developing the economy of Israel's marine space, and combining environmental, economic, cultural and social aspects.

The Mediterranean Sea is the most overfished place in the world. Fish populations have dropped dramatically over the past fifty years.

The solution to overfishing is aquaculture.

The aquaculture plan proposes to designate an area of ​​32.1 square kilometers for aquaculture in the open sea, where it will be possible to raise fish and market them by different breeders, as well as advance and diversify technologies that can be applied in this agricultural field. The area of ​​the plan is near ​​Ashkelon, at a distance of 10 km from the coast. At a distance of 0.5 km to the east of the plan is the marine nature reserve Evtah.

At the same time, our office is advancing a plan at an existing industrial port in Ashkelon, intended as a logistical operational hub for aquaculture.

GlobalEx         טל: 03-6760602

ת.ד. 7639, רמת גן מיקוד 52176



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Secretary - Shirin:

Alona Lifshitz:               

Vera Spivak:                     

Yair Ben Gad:                  

Naama Slosman:          

Avishai Ben-Abba:

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 Alona Lifshitz אלונה ליפשיץ