Infills in Ramot and Romema
IFCJ - The Fellowship House
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The International Fellowship of Cristians and Jews Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that helps the poor, the elderly and new immigrants in Israel.
Recently, IFCJ decided to concentrate all its activities in Israel in a new building, in a plot of 3 dunams on Hanoch Albeck Street in Jerusalem. The proposed building, covering an area of about 8,000 square meters, will include the Foundation's headquarters in Israel, a Convention Center for seminars for the organizations working with the foundation, as well as a Visitor's Center.
Our office has been involved in the project from the initial stage, through writing the brief, preparing a closed competition for selecting the project architect, and since then leading the project's ongoing steering committee. The architect chosen was Plesner Architects from Tel Aviv. Project Manager - Tafnit Wind Office. Recently, the building permit was received, and the implementation stage began. We are currently involved in the design of the Visitor's Center.
GlobalEx טל: 03-6760602
ת.ד. 7639, רמת גן מיקוד 52176